Survey reveals that most UK businesses are ready to use 5G mobile technology

How popular is 5G among UK businesses? According to a survey highlighted by ISPreview, 70% are either using or intending to deploy 5G services and networks. Nonetheless, there remain barriers to the smooth rollout of 5G technology in the corporate space. 

In the research, 73% of the surveyed businesses expressed confidence in their understanding of 5G mobile technology’s benefits. Meanwhile, 70% were already envisioning how they would use it to hone their competitive edge. However, the survey findings still paint a somewhat mixed picture.

A number of eye-opening statistics thrown up by research 

This survey conducted by Coleman Parkes targeted 300 IT decision-makers in April 2022. This drew a representative number of respondents from every UK region and equally split across four verticals: creative industries; manufacturing; transport and logistics; and health and social care. 

Of these respondents, 66% said that they anticipated 5G contributing positively to their corporate sustainability efforts, while 65% expected the technology to foster improvement in the customer experience (65%). However, it’s not quite “full steam ahead” for enterprise uptake of 5G just yet.

Though 45% of companies claimed that they were set to make investments in 5G by 2023, 63% of businesses said that the complexity and cost of infrastructure, installation and integration would be the biggest challenge to overcome in a bid to implement 5G. 

How could you help your business to adopt 5G?

With 58% of the survey participants having also revealed that they needed further guidance on how to integrate 5G with existing infrastructure, many businesses would benefit from opting for a specialist mobile connectivity package that would help them to smoothly upgrade from 4G to 5G. 

One good example of such a package is Gamma Mobile, which lets users not only make and receive calls and texts over 4G but also access 5G for faster data. Gamma specialises in serving the business market, and can deliver speeds more than twice as fast as other UK mobile operators. 

However, many businesses evidently remain unconvinced that 5G could prove a significant, practical improvement on telecoms tech they are already using. In the survey, 66% said that discerning 5G benefits relevant to their particular industry would incentivise them to invest. 

So, why should businesses transition to 5G usage?

Bob Driver — the head of UK5G, the organisation that commissioned the research — insists that 5G “has the potential to transform business models, generate new revenue streams by unleashing the Internet of Things, and give organisations new insights through data that enable them to improve the service they provide for customers.”

It seems likely that, in coming years, more and more businesses will ascertain merits of 5G. Joe Barrett, President of the GSA, has commented as quoted by Business Leader: “The first quarter of the year was off to a flying start for 5G devices. 

“With the industry breaking through the symbolic barrier of 1,000 commercially available devices, we have a clear indicator of 5G’s continued and growing popularity.” He also enthused about “the range of form factors and manufacturers entering the market”.

The Government is striving hard to make the UK a leader in the use of 5G mobile technology. A solid digital infrastructure is essential for the success of any project. It creates new opportunities to grow. Business can be done anywhere; unleashing innovative business models; Creating new markets and opportunities. It supports us every day. Connecting us to our friends, families, and colleagues; keeping us safe; and giving us something to smile about. 

Access to information and services we take increasingly for granted. 5G promises a 

Mobile connectivity is a step-changer that has enormous potential to increase productivity and grow. Development and roll-out of 5G technology, placing the UK at forefront of the 5G revolution. 

The 5th Generation 

5G is not going to be defined by one new technology or a revolution. Instead, 5G will open up the possibility of developing more advanced technologies. 

Businesses can expect to see exponential growth with improved speeds, which are estimated to be 20 times faster than 4G. They also have lower latency and a higher capacity. Complex tasks will be completed faster and with fewer interruptions. 

UK businesses have good news: unlike the 4G rollout, 5G is coming soon. The strict government approval process that must be followed for each stage of network development is a significant hindrance in 5G marketing. 

5G is not just waiting for a launch signal. It will also involve major disruptions like the installation of high-frequency antennas all over cities to transmit waves. 

The political conflict raging between the US government and Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, is just one example. The US government has banned Huawei technology from its 5G network development and encouraged other countries, including Australia and Canada, to do the same. 

This decision was made because of fears that other countries could be exposed to spying through the Chinese-owned technology. 

Although major network providers such as Vodafone and EE have begun to roll out 5G services in densely populated areas, it is unlikely that these businesses will be able to harness the potential over the next few years. The possibilities are vast, so be ready when it happens. 

5G is the next evolution in mobile network technology. It is faster than the previous ‘G’s and will open up many new uses for mobile data. This, hopefully, will lead to new business opportunities. 

These include the possibility to launch new products or services that weren’t possible before. They also allow for expansion into new markets and increased productivity. 

Although it may seem far off, it is worth learning what 5G could offer your company so that you can begin preparing. Explore many features and benefits of 5G technology for your business and how you can prepare. 

Amazing features of 5G technology: 

Before checking upon the benefits of 5G technology for your business, have a look at the features of this revolutionary technology.

Fast and Efficient:

5G is faster, more reliable, and more efficient than previous “Gs”. It is said that it has 100 times faster speed than 4G networks. 5G could offer speeds up to 10Gb/s, according to some reports. A 5G network could allow you to download full HD movies in less than 10 seconds, as opposed to the 10 minutes it takes on 4G. According to some estimates, 5G could be even faster than 4G. 

Lower Latency 

5G has lower latency than previous networks. It is said that phones and other devices will get less latency and lag while connected to a 5G network. As the latency for 4G networks is 40-50 milliseconds, it should be less than 1 millisecond with 5G, which is not even noticeable. 

Greater Capacity 

5G will have more capacity which means that the networks can handle many high-demand applications simultaneously. 


5G will be considered ‘ultra-reliable’ which means that there won’t be dropped calls or connectivity. This will make sure that you will do more critical use cases, such as connected cars and digital health with more efficiency. 


5G networks promise greater flexibility — network slicing allows for a physical network to be divided into multiple virtual networks so that the operator can choose the appropriate ‘slice’ according to the needs of the user. 

Battery life is improved 

Although all of this may sound like it will drain your battery quickly, 5G is expected to increase the battery life by as much as ten times. 

Impact on business 

5G promises to revolutionize the way businesses do business today. Those who can adapt and take advantage of 5G will see the wonders for their businesses for sure. 

5G will bring exceptionally faster speeds that increase the chances of more benefits. Lightning-fast speeds of more than 1Gbps will allow for remote work, file sharing, and improved communication. 

Remote working will become a reality for businesses thanks to reliable and instant connections and the ability to work from anywhere employees are located. 

As the Internet of Things (IoT), continues to grow, 5G will enable cutting-edge innovations such as automation and AI. 5G will be the platform that drives IoT connectivity. It allows communications for as many as a million devices per square mile. 

This network can maximize the improvements in many industries. The agriculture sector, for example, can use sensors to monitor and provide real-time information about fertilization and moisture requirements. This allows farmers to maximize yield and drive cost savings. 

Benefits of 5G to Businesses 

Mobile phones are the new age 

A study concludes that 5G will make mobile a “general purpose technology” on par with electricity or the car. It is said that this will have a transformative impact on many industries and the economy. 

Remote working 

Remote working has been a part of the business agenda for over ten years, but it hasn’t taken off as fast as many people expected. This is partly a cultural problem in businesses but also a technology issue. For example, conference calls can be awkward and stilted. With 5G’s exceptional speed, remote meetings will feel like you are sitting and talking in the same room. It will be similar to having a very reliable Wi-Fi hotspot that covers the entire developed world. 

Rural innovation 

Many countries, including the UK, are exploring 5G for more instant and reliable connectivity to rural communities. This will allow more people to start their businesses and open up new opportunities. This is important because data shows that only 63% of the UK’s population has access to mobile data coverage from all four major providers. 


Virtual and augmented reality applications 5G will support could have important applications in many industries, including retail, gaming, manufacturing, tourism, and property. ABI Research projects that AR and VR will be worth $292 billion (PS221 trillion) by 2025. 

Tailored networks 

Network slicing will allow businesses to create their own 5G network that is tailored to meet their specific business needs. 5G will have a greater range of spectrums than 4G, but it will also use the space more intelligently, allocating only the resources that are needed for each application. 

Lower costs 

Mobile operators will see lower overheads as they move from a hardware-based network environment to one that is software-based. These savings can be turned into more benefits for customers. 

Easier commutes 

A stable and reliable mobile network will enable smart and automated transportation, which will reduce the time spent commuting. Employees will be able to use this faster and more efficient transport system while also being able to connect quickly via mobile on public transport. 

It is important to prepare 

The first step to identifying investment opportunities is key for successful businesses. The ones that aren’t willing to commit to one strategy will lose out, and those who just dip their toes in multiple opportunities offered by 5G will be the ones that fail. 

Companies need to identify the key drivers of growth and invest heavily in the delivery of the best product or services possible using 5G networks. 

Although experts and teams need to contribute to the 5G strategy’s success, you might consider having a 5G expert lead your strategy. You’ll be able to deliver a refined product, maximise the potential of 5G and not waste money by drawing on the expertise of someone who understands the limitations and possibilities of the technology. 

Preparing to go 5G does not mean aligning your business plan. You’ll waste time and money if your network infrastructure can’t handle the demands of 5G. 

Moving existing infrastructure to a virtual network will allow for 5G’s agility and flexibility. 

Growing threat 

5G is a promising prospect that has many of the same attributes that could lead to network instability. The network hosts millions of devices and is just generating more points of attack. 

With 5G’s potential to enable IoT growth, the potential for IoT breaches is even more severe than ever before. 

Online threats are constantly changing. As 5G is introduced and helps in the development of new use cases, we will begin to experience threats on a scale we have never experienced before. 

5G connectivity will enable autonomous vehicles and smart roads to become a reality. This will create a new category of security threats. 

However, 5G’s speed and efficiency are not at risk if security measures are put in place to protect private networks. 

Businesses looking to secure their networks should use zero trust and authentication tools. As an added barrier to entry, authentication software requires that users enter multiple pieces of information. You will receive a unique code that can’t be used again and again. 

To ensure that the user can access the information they are requesting, all log-in attempts must be approved by admins or based on pre-agreed rules. 

These security tools are perfect because they offer substantial security without requiring users to change their work habits or to add time to their existing schedules. 

It is possible to reap the rewards of 5G if you can use and make money from it. Businesses have the opportunity to plan their strategy over the next few years so they are ready to move when the network becomes active. 

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