Ultimate List of Guest Blogging Sites 2021

What is your favourite strategy to attract new audiences or increase brand awareness? There might be the term “guest blogging” running in your head. If you’re implementing guest blogging techniques to improve your website traffic or conversions, you’re probably going on the right track. As many top brands are getting benefited through guest blogging approaches. So today, our team is here to help you with the ultimate list of guest blogging sites, how to pitch the perfect guest blog, benefits of guest blogging, and a lot more. It’s worth reading this post, as you’ll gain good knowledge about guest blogging.

Let’s dive into the world of guest blogging.

Contributing popular and high-quality guest blogs to trusted, authoritative, and relevant guest blogging sites are one of the ways to improve traffic, generate good conversions, and boost ranking on search engines. Since there are thousands of guest blogging sites available on the internet finding the authoritative and quality guest blogging website can be a pretty daunting task for you. If you’re worried about finding the best website, we have made your task easy. Relax!!!

Follow the list of 100+ high quality and authoritative guest blogging sites where you can contribute and improve your website ranking, generate organic traffic, get quality backlinks, improve brand awareness, and more. Guest blogging is a proven way to generate positive results. Guest blogging is an effective strategy only when you do it properly. Find the unique list of guest blogging sites 2020 updated.

What is Guest Blogging?

Contributing blog post to the relevant or authoritative website and featured as a temporary author.

Generally, bloggers contribute to the relevant and authoritative website in order to:

  • Attract a new audience
  • Increase traffic
  • Boost domain authoring by acquiring from high-authority domains.
  • Improve brand credibility
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build relationships with relevant industries.

As a savvy digital marketer knows the importance of guest blogging. It is an important strategy for attracting the right audiences to your blog or website. If you’re a professional blogger, you might have submitted a blog pitch several times on guest blogging sites.

Guest blogging is the best practice of submitting a blog to relevant and authoritative guest blogging sites. This is a great technique to build a relationship, improve backlink, exposure, and authority. Guest blogging is an excellent way to establish relationships with a wide range of audiences.

It’s no secret, backlinks are a key ranking factor in search engines. Backlinks are valuable for search engine optimization since a quality backlink represents a vote of confidence from a related or relevant website. Guest blogging is one of the effective ways to submit content on relevant and authoritative websites.

The ultimate goal of guest blogging is to acquire a quality backlink from multiple websites. There are thousands of guest blogging sites available online, pick the trusted blogging website according to your niche. The best practice for guest blogging is creating high-quality content and submitting them on guest blogging sites to earn a backlink.

The concept of guest blogging is simple and straightforward – You write a blog according to blogging website terms and conditions. When you contribute a quality blog you will earn a backlink in return. 

Many bloggers are focusing on submitting unique, quality, and effective content to attract a new audience. Simply put, blogging is the win-win strategy for guest blogging sites and bloggers.

Most of the websites accept guest blogs because they cannot produce quality and unique content all the time. Though the blog post is free, many websites will have few standards and requirements. A blogger needs to read the guidelines and proceed to contribute.

List of Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging 

Guest blogging is an excellent strategy to improve brand awareness, increase organic traffic, improve credibility, and acquire quality backlinks. The million-dollar question is finding the best list of blogs that allow guest blogging can be a difficult task for you. We have understood your struggle for finding the best guest blogging site, Zeen team has provided a unique list of blogs that allow guest blogging. Hope this list will be helpful for you!!! Our team has spent maximum time on research and finally found this unique list of blogs that allow guest blogging rather than providing a common list that everyone lists on their website. Take a look at the mentioned blogging sites, we ensure that these sites have good domain authority, ranking, and are trusted by millions of people. Pick the best guest blogging sites and contact them without wasting time.

Check the below list of blogs that allow guest blogging, our team has made your task easier by differentiating the guest blogging websites according to their niche or industry. All you need to do is check the list of blogs that allow guest blogging and pick the best site that is right for you.

Top 20 Best of the blogs from our unique list of Guest Blogging Sites

Our team has researched and listed the curated top blogs from popular industries such as technology, digital marketing, make money, web development, and business. These categories have good acceptance and best quality blogs that are tested and updated frequently.

Website/BlogSubmit MOZ Domain AuthorityCategories
ZeenContact for ArticleDA 50Business,Technology, Marketing, Finance
MyVenturePadSubmit Guest PostDA 50Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance
MeldiumSubmit Guest BloggingDA 45Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance
PostlingWrite For UsDA 50Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance
InfoBeatContact for Guest PostDA 45Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance
MyvuContact for BrandingDA 50Business,Technology, Marketing, Finance
JcountContact for Guest PostDA 50Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance
LocationarySubmit Guest blogDA 50Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance
Frugal EntrepreneurSubmit Guest blogDA 30Entrepreneur, Business, Marketing, Finance
TechmaishWrite For UsDA 40Blogging, Technology, Marketing, Social Media
ReadWritecontribute guest postingDA 80Startups, Technology, Business, Finance
TipsBloggerSubmit Guest PostDA 25Business, Software, Marketing, Blogging
KillerStartupsSubmit StartupDA 60Startup, Entrepreneur, Business, Marketing
Elite Personal FinanceWrite Guest PostDA 40Finance, Business, Make Money
TListsGuest Blog PostDA 45Technology, Business, Marketing, Finance
TechGenraContact for Guest PostingDA 35Technology, Business, Marketing, Finance
TechRapidlyWrite Guest PostDA 35Technology, Business, Marketing, Finance
BloggersPathSubmit Blog PostDA 45Blogging, Web Design, Software, Marketing
GeeksGyaanSubmit Blog PostDA 60Technology, Business, Gadgets, Gaming
FalconHiveContact for Guest PostingDA 35Blogging, Web Design, Software, Marketing
NorthcuttGuest EditorialDA 40Digital Marketing, Social Media, Entrepreneur
GentlexpContribute articleDA 20Technology, Business, Gadgets, Mobile
W3JWrite for usDA 40Business, Technology, Marketing, Finance

Benefits of guest blogging

Guest blogging technique has been around for several years. Many people still don’t believe the importance of blogging. If you’re thinking, is guest blogging a trustworthy approach to earn backlinks?

Our answer would be YES…

Guest blogging is a popular marketing strategy that many bloggers can invest in. If you want to increase brand awareness and build trust among the audience, contributing quality blogs to guest blogging sites is important for you. 

Still not convinced? You should surely know the benefits of guest blogging.

The following are the popular benefits of guest blogging


Want to get your brand name in front of an audience without effort? Guest blogging is the right solution for you. This strategy allows the brand to reach a new audience. Quality and engaging content are important as readers prefer to read online rather than reading traditional methods such as newspapers. Get yourself noticed by guest blogging technique by contributing to popular guest Blogging sites.

Website traffic is the blood of an online business. A guest blog has the capability to increase sales when done in the right way. Increasing the sales can be done by optimizing your landing pages, call-to-action-buttons, and other key elements, this will boost your conversions effectively.


The guest blogging practice helps you to establish credibility among your niche. Bloggers who contribute for popular publications such as Huffington Post can be considered as knowledgeable rather than the one who writes posts for their own website or blog. Build an outstanding portfolio before contributing a blog for a big name. At initial stages, start contributing to small blogging website and eventually submit guest blogs for popular brands in the industry,

Expand Personal Network

A few years ago, getting connected with influencers was pretty difficult. Thanks to blogging, it has made the process simple and easier.

Let’s consider, few websites that accept guest blogs encourage a community of bloggers engaged in their relevant business. You will get a chance to contribute to their guest Blogging sites and also collaborate with other bloggers for co-authored blog posts. This way you can expand your personal network easily with contributing blog posts.

Increases Organic Traffic

What is your ultimate goal as a digital marketer? It’s none other than increasing the organic traffic. For the same reason, guest blogging is important for you to improve organic traffic for your website or blog.

When you contribute to guest Blogging sites, you can expect organic traffic as soon as the editor posts your blog on their site. When there are more backlinks to your posts, the search engine considers your blog post as valuable. With relevant and quality backlinks, your blog or website will get a better ranking on search engines. When your blog or website is listed on the top search results, ultimately you can generate more organic traffic.

Excellent for Getting Links

One of the key reasons why most people dive into the guest blogging approach is that it helps to acquire quality backlinks. A backlink is one of the key ranking factors for search engines, you need to have a set of quality backlinks to boost your ranking on search engines. Get backlink by contributing an effective blog post to popular guest Blogging sites. The more backlinks you acquire for your website or blog, the more improvement you can watch in your search engine rankings.

guest blogging sites

Technology Guest Blogging Sites List

Technology, Gadgets & Tech Software Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a suitable option for the one who is looking to increase traffic and conversion of their site. The only thing bloggers need to concentrate on is creating curated content and check the best blogging website to post. If you’re running a tech website, check the below technology guest Blogging sites list that accepts guest blogging. This list will surely help you to get the best blogging site.

Business Guest Blogging Sites List

Business, General Marketing, Entrepreneur, Startup Blogs that accept Guest Blogging

Are you an entrepreneur or a digital marketer? Looking for the business guest Blogging sites list that accepts guest blogging? This list will surely help you. Though there are thousands of options available on the internet, finding the best business or startup blogs can be a difficult task for you. We have listed the popular business blogs for you, these sites accept creative and compelling content. Submit the best guest blog and attract a good amount of traffic to your website or blog.

Blogging Guest Blogging Sites List

Blogging, Make Money & LifeStyle Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging

Good news for all the fashion bloggers out there, if you’re worried about finding the best lifestyle or make money blogs, follow the below guest Blogging sites list that accepts guest blogging. Before pitching the guest blog, make sure to check their guest blogging guidelines. When you pitch the guest blog according to their terms and conditions, your guest blog will be accepted by editors. Before contributing to these blogging websites it’s important to perform a background check.

SEO Guest Blogging Sites List

Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media & SEO Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging

The term digital marketing, SEO, and social media are the buzzwords in this digital world. If you’re looking for a Digital Marketing Guest Blogging sites list that accepts guest blogging, our unique list is just for you. Take a look at our curated blogging sites. Choose the best blog and pitch the perfect guest blog. Create an effective guest blog and attract new audiences to your website.

Web Design Guest Blogging Sites List

Web Design, Web Development, Software Development, WordPress Technology  Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging

Learning is the most important thing in everyone’s journey. We are required to explore new things to develop our skills. No matter whether you’re planning to learn new skills in web design or looking to contribute a guest blog, check the below mentioned Web Design guest Blogging sites that accept guest blogging. These blogs are the best source of motivation and growth. Spend a few minutes reading the blogs on the site. Submit the guest blog according to audience preferences. 

Finance Guest Blogging Sites List

Finance & Investing Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging

Whether you’re running a finance blog or investing blogs, these Finance guest Blogging sites that accept guest blogging are the go-to source to learn and grow your audience. These sites are having millions of audience, choose the best finance blog that is perfect for you and submit an effective guest blog. The more attractive you create a guest blog, the more audience you can attract to your site.

How to Pitch a Guest Blog and Be a Perfect guest Blogger?

Guest blogging is the best practice among many bloggers to drive better traffic to their website or blog and build a strong backlink profile. Many people believe guest blogging is as simple as peeling a banana. But, the truth is that guest blogging is pretty hard to get started. Especially for the one who doesn’t know how to write a pitch.

At Zeen, we spend maximum time on writing quality guest blogs for other websites. According to our experience, pitching the best blog and appealing to readers is important. Let’s discuss how to write the best guest blog pitch.

Choose the target blog

Picking the target blog is important. If you’re worried about finding the best Guest Blogging sites for your website or blog, we recommend you to follow our unique blogging list. According to your niche, pick the best blogging site.


It’s no surprise there are multiple reasons why your pitch gets rejected. The reason could be poor content quality or doesn’t meet guest blogging sites’ terms and conditions. If you want to publish your guest blog on popular Guest Blogging sites, you should create unique and quality content that editors and readers enjoy. Before pitching the content, it’s important to research. Check the guest blogging websites and pick the blog that you’re related and interested to promote. Understand the target audience, find what type of content the audience prefers.

Build relationships

Many people assume that guest blogging is contributing to the content on other websites and getting a backlink. But, it is more than that. When you submit the pitch, you’re building a relationship with the audience and guest blogging site editor. 

Pitch a perfect email to editor

Guest blogging is probably a tough game to play. Many bloggers spend maximum time on creating an effective blog post but spend less time while sending the pitch to editors. Few editors don’t offer a quick response. Though you’re an excellent content writer, your pitch should catch the editor’s eye and get a quick and positive response.

Follow the below tips before sending a pitch

  • Give a strong introduction
  • State why you are approaching them
  • Share your previous work samples
  • Be nice
  • Write an effective title for guest blog
  • Show your interest by including the unique approach for the topic.
  • Let them know that their website or blog does not have enough unique content
  • Follow our expert advice before sending a pitch to the editors. 

Subject line

Popular Guest Blogging sites will receive thousands of pitches every day. The editor doesn’t open a few pitches forever. If you want that editor to open your email, you need to write an attractive subject line. Keep your subject line short and interesting. Your subject line could be the first impression that really matters. When you write an attractive subject line, there are more chances to open your email by editors.

Proof of your work

When you include in the pitch “why you would be an excellent content writer”. It doesn’t mean that you’re actually an excellent writer. Therefore you need to prove them. Show them your previous articles that you have published on your website or other blogs. Tell them about your social media following. Take the guest blogging seriously and let the editor know that you would seriously concentrate on pitching the effective guest blog.

Sign off

Be friendly to the editor by writing a friendly short and clear sentence at the end of the email. Be encouraging by mentioning “you’ll be waiting for the reply”. Never demand anything from the editor. Don’t assume the editor will revert within a couple of days and never leave your mobile number.

How to Find the Best Guest Blogging Sites – Methods Used

Finding the best guest blogging opportunities can be a daunting task for many bloggers. If you’re looking for the best guest blogging sites then your search will end here. Our team has presented unique guest blogging sites, follow this list, and pick the best blogging site to contribute.

The ultimate goal while looking for the best guest blogging sites is to find the relevant and authoritative site.

  • The blog content is focused on industry
  • The readers are interested in your niche
  • The editor or blog owner is active

For example, if your blog is all about selling mobile phones, you need to find electronic blogs with engaged readers.

The following are the best places to find the guest blogging sites

List of search queries

It’s no surprise Google is one of the best search engines. Google is the perfect place to find guest blogging opportunities. In fact, it is the best place to start researching about blogging opportunities through searches. Everyone is aware of searching on Google but finding the exact results can be done through using keywords during the search. Let’s discuss it,

  • Submit a guest blog
  • Accepting guest blogs
  • Guest blog guidelines
  • Guest blog
  • Free guest blogging sites 2020
  • guest blogging opportunities

The results can lead you to guest blogging guidelines or submission page.

Competitor Backlinks

Have you ever done a competitor analysis for your website or blog? If your answer is NO, you’re wasting your time. A competitive analysis will identify the competitor’s backlinks, strategies, monitor your competitor activities, and more. Pick the best competitor tool such as SEMrush and pull the competitor backlinks when you’re working on your SEO campaign. It’s pretty sure that you can find backlinks to guest blogging websites that they have submitted so far. Spend time and get the list of guest blogging sites.

Featured on or Guest Post pages

This is our favorite method to find guest blogging opportunities. All you need to do is visit the website and check the featured column. Most of the websites will definitely include the featured blogs on their site. The blogs that have featured posts are ready to accept guest blogs from writers. Therefore when you’re browsing guest blogging sites, it’s important to check their featured posts.


Finding guest blogging opportunities on Twitter is one of the easiest ways. Twitter search is an effective tool to find guest blogging sites. Yes, you’ve heard it right. All you need to open or create a Twitter account and search for the tweets regarding guest blogs. Start searching with “guest blog” or “guest author”. When you search for these terms on Twitter, you can find the search results that people have shared on their guest blogging links.


Facebook works almost similar to Twitter. Let me explain clearly, search for “guest blogging opportunities”, “guest blogs”, “guest author” and other keywords on the Facebook search box. Whenever you search for these keywords, a list of results will be displayed on your page. Since there are thousands of guest blogging opportunities available, finding the best guest blog site according to your niche is your responsibility. Apart from searching the keywords, you can find guest blogging opportunities by joining on guest blogging or digital marketing tools. Always become an active member of guest blogging groups to increase the chances of guest blogging.

Premade Guest Blogging Sites List

Many bloggers share their latest guest blogging sites list on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. They have made your task super easy. Check the list of guest blogging sites, choose the website that is related to your niche or industry. Also, there are few blogs that offer the latest and unique guest blogging list.

Do’s & Don’ts of Guest Blogging 

At Zeen, we are big fans of guest blogging. As the technique is increasing its popularity and gaining speed to build links. Many bloggers suggest implementing guest blogging techniques to improve their business. Everyone is introducing this practice. Most of the guest bloggers are writing a piece of content, adding their links to the content, and submitting the pitch on guest blogging sites. If you’re following these steps while submitting the guest blog, you’re on the wrong path. It’s time to change your path by following a few dos and don’ts while guest blogging.

Do’s of Guest Blogging

Read posts from guest blogging sites

Are you ready to contribute a guest blog to a relevant website. Don’t just blindly start pitching the content. Before posting makes sure to give a glance look at their blog posts. When you read their post you need to pay attention to their work count, voice, type of posts, and reading level.

Build relationships

Establishing a strong relationship before writing a guest blog is highly important. When you want to get featured on the blog, you need to build relationships with editors. There are multiple ways to establish relationships such as commenting on their blog posts, giving positive feedback, engaging on social media platforms, and linking their blog from your blog or website.

Send a polite email

After checking the blog post on the website. It’s time to send an email to the editor. Make sure to send a polite email by showing interest in contributing a guest blog on their website. Mention your purpose clearly in the email and tell them what you are expecting from them. Make your mail clear and straightforward. Don’t forget to give an attractive submit line and polite sign-out.

Create an excellent blog post

Creating unique content must be your first priority before pitching a blog post. Make sure your guest blog is excellent to be featured on guest blogging sites. Because no owner wants to publish a post that is poorly written. Every day, editors receive thousands of pitches, if you want your blog to be posted, you need to create effective content to stand out from the crowd. Work harder to write an amazing blog that impresses the owner and readers. Write a strong title that perfectly matches your content.

Follow terms and conditions

While writing the guest blog, many people neglect to follow the guidelines. Following the guest blogging site guidelines, terms and conditions are important. Before creating the content, check their terms and conditions. Write a blog according to their guidelines.

Don’ts of Guest Blogging

Never write a blog that already existed

Stop sending a guest blog that is already posted on their blog. Don’t send a familiar guest blog that is already seen by most of the people. When you contribute to the same topic, the editor may feel bored and also the readers. Choose the topic that is trending and doesn’t exist in the blog.

Don’t link-stuff

It’s no surprise that guest blogging is the practice to earn a backlink from authorized and relevant websites. Don’t just concentrate on inserting too many links. When your first paragraph has more than five links, there might be chances of your guest blog getting rejected. Though the editor knows that you’re contributing the guest blog for acquiring a backlink, don’t make the editor feel used. Only provide links to your website only when the content is relevant. There is no point in linking your website when it is irrelevant.

Don’t demand an editor to publish

It’s editors’ choice whether to publish the blog on their website or not. You just cannot demand the editor to publish your article on their site. When your blog is quality and meets their guidelines, you don’t need to worry about publishing, your blog will be posted.

Don’t share the exact same guest blog to various websites

Never send the same guest blog to many guest Blogging websites. It’s a well-known fact that editors always look for quality and unique content on their website. When you send the same guest blog to multiple websites, there may be high chances to get your article rejected.

Myths of Guest Blogging

As already discussed many bloggers dive into guest blogging and get immense success. They generate good traffic, new subscribers, and sales. Other bloggers can get nothing through contributing to other websites. Few people learn the guest blogging strategies and gain knowledge and few bloggers increase their network.

Everyone will have a different experience. Also, there are many factors that are influencing guest blogging. Yes, you’ve heard it right. There are few people who assume Guest blogging is a win-win solution” and others may feel “Guest blogging is a waste of time”.

Even few bloggers feel the same as guest blogging is a waste of your time. But why? There are few niches that do not have widespread appeal, in such cases choosing a guest blogging technique is not worthy.

Guest blogging is almost dead

Many people post regarding guest blogging as a dead strategy. If you believe that guest blogging is dead or dying, you’re absolutely wrong. The fact is, guest blogging is still alive and one of the best strategies to improve your business. It’s true that the blogging standards are not the same as earlier because of the competition in the market. But guest blogging is the best way to improve your rankings on search engines.

Existing reputation is required

Guest blogging requires a good reputation to get started. Contributing a blog post on a reputable website is not an easy task, because you require a pre-existing reputation. If you’re new to the business world, how do you have an existing reputation or how can you get started?

When you’re new to the market world, contributing guest blog to small blogs in your industry will actually work. Local publishers will help you to improve your credibility. Though it doesn’t pay off good results at the beginning of guest blogging, you require a foundation to get started.

It’s too much work

It’s a well-known fact that blogging needs lots of hard work and effort. You need to work harder to pitch the best guest blog and get yourself featured on guest blogging sites. But when you invest your time and effort into creating content, your hard work will pay off someday. 

Blogging is a long term strategy.  It is the best practice for the one who has great patience to generate good revenue.

Only the individuals get benefited

Guest blogging leverages the potential of an individual brand. Many people misunderstand that guest blogging is beneficial for individuals only. However, individuals are working harder to generate reputation and gain trust from consumers by leading bloggers to post.

Guest blogging guidelines are similar

Every publisher is unique in its own way. Few people assume by thinking all the guest blogging guidelines are the same. They often mistake that they are already familiar with the guidelines. If you want your pitch to get submitted on blogging sites, you need to customize the blog posts according to publishers’ guidelines. Choose the latest and trending topic, understand your audience, and format the posts in the perfect way.


Guest blogging is popularly known as a content marketing and search engine optimization technique where the blogger writes a unique and effective post and contributes to the relevant and authoritative website. This is an effective way to increase awareness, traffic, sales, and more. Make sure to create curated and engaging content to attract editors and readers. Create a guest blog in the right way to avoid Google penalty. You might be thinking about relevant guest blogging websites, no worries!!! Our team has researched and listed the unique guest Blogging sites for you. Choose the best blogging website that meets your requirements. Guest blogging will help you in many ways, it increases your website traffic, improves ranking, and more.


The Zeen doesn’t assure or guarantee that the listed guest Blogging sites will accept your contribution. The mentioned unique list is considered as the go-to resource for bloggers who are planning to guest blog on their niche websites. Most of the guest blogging websites require expertise and experience before submitting your guest blog. Therefore, you need to handle guest blogging technique carefully, there is nothing to rush, take your own time, and create top-notch content before submitting to the guest blog editor.

Spend our time by reading this post, keep a note there are few guest blogging sites that might change their guest blogging guidelines or closed external submission, shut down their service, increase or decrease the domain authority. We tried our level best to make sure the list is updated and accurate to make it a reliable source.

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