Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Have you ever implemented a guest blogging strategy before? If your answer is no, then you need to implement it right away. As guest blogging provides excellent benefits and helps your business to improve.

Guest blogging can be a daunting task with long-term benefits. Also, it needs hard work and dedication. One of the difficult tasks is gathering a list of marketing blogs that accept guest posting. We have made your task easy by presenting unique guest posting sites for marketing.

Spend time on Contributing high-quality and curated guest posts to relevant and authoritative websites. When you contribute, these blogs help you to improve organic traffic, increase brand awareness, and a lot more.

Follow the below-mentioned list of more than 200 marketing blogging websites or blogs you can guest post on. Submit an excellent blog post in 2020, this will help your website ranking and generate good organic traffic. Guest posting is an outstanding strategy to get positive results when implemented properly. You can find an effective, unique, and curated list of guest posting sites 2020 updated.

Marketing Blogs that Accept Guest Posting

Guest blogging or guest posting is one of the most effective ways to improve organic traffic, grow audience, build relationships, and more. Also, you can improve your writing skills and pitch the quality guest blog. But finding the best place to contribute to your guest post can be tricky. If you’re worried about finding the list of marketing blogs that accept guest posting, our team has curated a unique marketing guest posting site for you. Have a look and choose the best marketing blog. Before pitching the content, check their domain authority, blog topics, and audience preferences.

Check out the list of Marketing, Digital marketing, SEO guest posting sites list that allows guest posts.  – Submit Guest Post – Submit Guest Post – Submit Guest Post

Bloggerspath.comSubmit Guest Posting

Meldium.comSubmit Guest Blogging – Submit Guest Post Contact for Guest Post –  Contact for Guest Post

SearchEngineJournal.comWrite for them

SearchEnginePeople.comWrite for them

Magnet4Marketing.netWrite for them

Searcheditors.comGuest Blogging

SeoTechyWorld.comSubmit for Guest posting –  Contact for Guest Post

k2seo.comWrite for them

Myvu.comcontact for branding

DailySeoBlog.comWrite for Them

Localseochecklists.orgWrite for them

Buzz2fone.comSubmit guest post

SeoNick.netSubmit for them – Contact For Guest posting

What is Guest Posting in Marketing Blogs?

Digital marketing has several strategies involved. Brand promotions help to generate good revenue and increase brand credibility. Submitting a guest post will increase brand visibility, backlinks, and improve the traffic by more than 3 times.

Guest posting is an outstanding strategy in brand promotion. Simply put, guest posting is contributing to relevant and authoritative marketing guest posting sites with the guest blog owner’s approval. This is a proven strategy and helpful for online business. Marketing guest posting websites will expose your brand to the new or relevant audience. This is an effective way to increase brand awareness and improve organic traffic. Guest posting can provide fruitful results for the people who follow the guest blogging instructions.

Benefits of Marketing Guest Posting

Many digital marketing experts will agree with the statement “Guest posting is the amazing marketing strategy” available on the internet. Just by contributing content for the relevant website will boost your recognition and brand authority. However, not every digital marketer will agree to create content on other websites rather than contributing the content on their blog or website. Because contributing guest post will deliver several opportunities, let’s discuss them

Improve brand authority

Brand authority is the primary element to build a successful marketing strategy. Guest posting helps your brand to build powerful authority in the market. One cannot trust your brand unless you contribute high-quality content on relevant guest posting sites for marketing. Therefore, you should create effective and informative content that readers can trust your brand.

Quality backlinks

Backlinks play an important role in search engine optimization. When relevant and authoritative marketing guest posting sites link back to your blog or website, it will improve your search engine rankings. Earning backlinking from popular marketing websites will surely make your brand recognizable. Guest posting is an amazing approach to earn a backlink and gain trust from the audience and search engines. Contributing your marketing blog on the popular website will earn a quality backlink to your website or blog.

Increase organic traffic

As a digital marketer, you might know the importance of organic traffic to your website. Since organic traffic can do wonders than paid traffic. Organic traffic is most important for every marketer since it is targeted. When the user visits your website through search engines are more likely to convert. Contributing an effective blog post will increase your organic traffic.

Improve your writing

The power of guest posting is unbelievable. Since there are multiple benefits of guest posting, one of the most effective benefits is to improve your writing skills. When you have excellent writing skills you can run a successful website. It means you can write quality content for your website and also submit interactive content to marketing guest blogging sites.

How to Pitch Marketing Guest Post and be a Perfect Marketing guest Blogger

You’ve successfully created a website, now you need to concentrate on generating traffic for your website. After all, when nobody visits your website then how you generate sales. Guest posting is an excellent way to start driving traffic to your website, improve brand awareness, increase brand awareness, and more. But pitching the marketing guest post can be a daunting task for many bloggers. If you want to submit the excellent marketing guest post and became the perfect marketing guest blogger, continue reading…

Read the guest blogging guidelines

The first thing you should do before approaching the editor is to read their guidelines. Don’t forget to follow their guidelines. When you want to get your pitch posted on their website, it’s important to follow guest posting guidelines.

Personalize email

As a guest blogger editor, they receive thousands of pitches every day. Some editors don’t even open the email. If you want an editor to open your email, you need to write an excellent subject line and write a personalized email. Tell them what you are expecting from them. Inform them about your ideas that you’re going to present on the guest post.

Write an informative and engaging content

Content plays a vital role in the marketing world. If you want to engage with the audience and get good organic traffic, you need to submit excellent content to marketing guest posting sites. It’s no surprise that editors don’t wish to publish poor quality content on their website. Therefore contributing high-quality blog posts is important. When you offer engaging and informative content, automatically you can increase your brand awareness, improve new audiences, and more.

How to Find the best Marketing Guest Posting Sites?

The major thing when you’re planning guest posting is to look at guest posting opportunities. Whenever you’re looking for guest posting opportunities, your ultimate goal is to choose the marketing guest posting site. Make sure the content on the website is relevant to your industry. The guest posting site owner is active on their social media profile.

Google searches – It’s no surprise Google is our best friend. Also, it is the best place to find out the guest posting opportunities. All you need to perform keyword searches on Google to find guest posting opportunities. The keywords are “submit a guest post”, “guest post”, “accepting guest posts” and more. The results will lead to guest posting site websites.

Competitors backlinks – Competitor analysis is one of the important tasks to perform for every digital marketer. During competitor analysis, a set of competitor backlinks will be pulled using a few software. Check their links and contribute to the marketing guest posting sites that your competitors also submitted.

Social searches – Many bloggers have the habit of sharing their experience on social media profiles. They share the latest marketing guest posting list on social media such as Facebook or Twitter. Search with the keyword “list of marketing blogs that accept guest posting” and get the latest guest posting site lists.

Do’s & Don’ts of  Marketing Guest Posting

Guest posting or guest blogging has been an excellent and successful link building strategy for decades and it’s an effective method now and in the future. Similar to content marketing, guest blogging is all about getting quality and relevant backlinks. Simply put, guest posting is the best practice to generate quality backlinks, increase brand awareness, and more. Before contributing a guest posting follow these rules

Do’s of guest posting

Relevance – Choosing the relevant marketing guest posting sites is key. When you’re contributing a blog post, you need to be specific, relevant, and selective. It’s important to contribute to a relevant and authoritative marketing guest posting website. Our team has researched and curated a list of marketing blogs that accept guest posting, do check the list and pick the best one.

Establish positive relationships – Just like blog commenting, link building strategy, guest blogging is a good way to establish a positive relationship. Write a compelling and personalized email to the editor. Tell them what you like most about their site and why did you pick their website to promote.

Follow guest posting guidelines – Many guest posting sites for a marketing set a few guidelines to follow. Before pitching the guest posts, it’s important to follow their guideline. When you blindly submit the guest post without following the guest posting guidelines, all your hard work will be useless. It’s important to follow guest posting guidelines to get your blog posted on the site.

Don’t of guest posting

Don’t contribute a poor quality blog post

Do you write low-quality content on your website or blog? of course not right. Expecting the editors to post low-quality content is meaningless. Therefore, spend time on creating curated blog posts. Before creating the content, understand the target audience, and pitch accordingly. After writing a blog post don’t forget to edit or make changes.

Never contribute a basic guest blog

If you want to get your guest blog posted on authoritative blogs, it’s important to choose the latest topic. Because no reader will show interest in the topic that already existed and read for 1000 times. Choose the trending topic and attract readers.

Never insert several links

Stuffing your article with more links is poor SEO practice. Even the editor and audience know that you’re contributing the guest post for a backlink. Don’t just blindly follow your goal i.e earning a backlink to your website or blog. You need to be specific while inserting the link. Pay attention while stuffing the links in the blog post. Give links only when the content is relevant.

Myths of Marketing Guest Posting

Do you ever feel guest blogging is just a waste of your time? I can understand you. You’ve felt at least twice or thrice. But spending your time on contributing your content to relevant blogs is one of the effective ways to improve your business.

There are few myths of guest posting, let’s discuss them

Existing reputation is necessary – Have you just started an online business? Looking for ways to increase your brand awareness? A guest posting might be a great method for you. But you need an existing reputation to get your blog posts submitted on popular guest posting websites. If you want to contribute to top sites, you can begin your guest posting journey with small guest posting websites.

Guest posting is dead

Many people think guest blogging is almost dead. But the truth is guest posting will never die. If you’re thinking guest posting as an ineffective strategy, you’ve never tasted the result of guest posting. Though the results might be long term one can get benefited by implementing guest posting techniques to improve their business.

Guest posting spoils relationships

Let’s talk openly if you implement a guest posting approach just to earn a link to your website, this can ruin your relationship.

For example, you’ve just started a guest posting strategy to improve your business, you’ve written your first post and approached Forbes editor and sent a mail to submit the post and ask them to provide a couple of promotional links. Sounds ridiculous right? Yes!!! However, when you contribute an amazing blog post, you can earn links and increase your domain authority.


If you have been blogging for a couple of years, you need to have a look at guest blogging technique. Contribute an effective guest post to popular marketing guest posting websites and get featured. Many people implement guest posting strategies for various factors, but backlinks, brand awareness, and organic traffic are important things to consider. If you’re running a marketing blog or website, don’t forget to have a look at the above-mentioned list of marketing blogs that accept guest posting.

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